Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Truth About Weight Loss

The art of weight loss is a very complex thing. Most people want to lose weight or struggle to do so or just give up in general. The USA is one of the most if not the most obese populated countries in the world. It's to the point now that weight loss is becoming a very huge market, with weight loss pills, videos and those celeb fad diets, there's even shows like the biggest loser that capitalize on this. However weight loss isn't very complex, now its not easy but its quite simple.

  How do you lose weight, that's everybody's question  There is this thing called a calorie deficit and a calorie surplus, and also maintenance. Your maintenance or BMR is the amount of calories it would take you to maintain your current weight. A calorie surplus is when your calorie intake is 500 or more calories over your maintenance, lastly your calorie deficit is when your calorie intake is 500 or more calories under your maintenance. Now everyone's maintenance is different. It depends on your height, weight, gender and age. A pretty quick way to figure it out is using a BMR calculator from various sites for example http://www.myfitnesspal.com/tools/bmr-calculate. Now we are going to focus on the calorie deficit. If you were to have a calorie deficit every week you would burn about one pound of fat per week and if you were to double the deficit you would burn about two pounds a week. Every one that "sells" weight loss preys on this fact, it's no secret to them. They also prey on a thing called your metabolism with products and pills that work to speed it up.(But that's for another article ;) )

In conclusion as long as u have a calorie deficit you will lose weight that's a guarantee. You don't have to buy meal plans or buy some scammers product. In later blogs I will discuss exercises that helps to put you in a calorie deficit or help to increase your deficit so you burn more fat and also foods and strategies that really help to get you to your weight loss goals. The purpose of this blog is heath and weight loss is a huge step to having that heathy body we all want. Thank you for reading comments are always welcome.

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